Sunday, February 28, 2010

Week One in Arica

It's Sunday and I am finally getting a chance to update. This week has been an adveture. Got to Arica safely after only one snag (missing my connection in Santiago because of a delay in Texas) and I learned to use the payphone (more difficult than it sounds). Arica is amazingly different. It's next to the ocean but also in the middle of the dryest desert in the world. All around the city are giant sandy desert hills. It's pretty in a strange way. I can also see Peru from here. Got to do a little sight here are some of the things from so far...

I took a plane to nowhere...the plane landed in the middle of the desert an I was like...I thought Arica was a It is, just not near the airport.

I went to the top of El Morro (That rocky-thing in the background of this pic) and got a great view of the city.

This picture is the view from the top of El Morro.There is all desert behind me and you can see it on the other side of the city from here. So cool. Peru is also somewhere in that direction.

I met my host family. This is me and my hermanos at a pizza place on the night we met. Pedreopabl0 (Age 14) on the left, Naomi (age 14) in the middle, me, and Christobol (age 11) on the right taking the picture. :)

and I saw a llama (this pic is for you Meghan). This is actually on my college campus. :)

There also was a pretty big earthquake in Santiago and Concepcion. My host family had relatives there and luckily they are ok. We have been watching it all on tv. Glad it is on tv and not outside the door. Thoughts out to those who need them right now.
Thats all for now. :)

Monday, February 15, 2010

One Week Till Chile

Only 7 days until I leave for South America. Getting very nervous but really excited. It was kind of cool because on the first leg of the Amazing Race which aired this week, the teams flew into Santiago...which is where I am flying into!!! Just spending the next week packing and spending as much time with Dan as possible :(
Can't wait!