In fact even as I am sitting here writing, I realized I did not pack anything to sleep in.
One very exciting packing aspect is my new bag!! When I was backpacking around for Peru for 10 days in June I carried all my clothes in a little purple
L.L. Bean school backpack that looked similar to this -

This summer however, while helping a family friend clean out her attic I found a backpacker's backpack! Like a legit one! It was her son's who has since left it behind and she offhandedly said I could keep it. I AM VERY EXCITED. So now, though for this trip I don't believe I will be doing much hiking...and though it is mostly filled with sneakers to give to people, I am traveling with my new(ish) bag. Here it it, packed (hah) and ready to go. :D
My plane leaves at 5:30am this morning and my mother has graciously agreed to lug me to the airport. Which meant I had to go home. Which means we have to go back to Logan airport this morning. Which means we have to leave home at 2am. Bah. Judging by the fact that I have been working in a bar for the last 4 or so months and my shirt does not end until 2am, I doubt I will be sleeping. This is not the most logical arrangement but it does save me from having to find a way from where I have been living in Boston to the airport at 3am with a suitcase and a backpack full of shoes (and no pajamas).
Anyway, back to my point. I have still not really wrapped my head around the fact that in about 12 hours I will be in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua...but don't judge because if you were sitting in the freezing state of NH in january, you would have a hard time imagining that too.
Who knows what I will be thinking in 12 hours? I have no idea. (or more appropriate, no tengo ningun idea).
Until next time...