Friday, June 29, 2012

Living on the Edge

Hello All! As usual, I apologize for the long delay in posts. In my latest "Laura Leaves New Hampshire" adventures, I have been exploring the exotic and very foreign...Vermont. Ok, yes I admit that Vermont is not  much of a stretch in a travel blog about leaving New Hampshire, but that is where I am and so the adventure continues. . :D

My French Partner in Crime (FPIC) has been very lucky to land a job in DERBY LINE, VERMONT. The closest you can possibly get to Canada without actually getting to Canada. I have found a map to demonstrate it's location (below). 

The town is so much on the border that the gas station doubles as customs, border patrol cars are more frequent than police cars, and it contains the world's only library that is located in two countries at the same time (and in the Canadian side has books in French). 

It was while I was dropping my FPIC off at work one day (at 7am mind you) that I really experienced this border. I thought while I was in the town I would visit this world famous library. While I was circling it, looking for parking, I drove over a single white line in the road. 
Shoot. Was that the border? 
I turned around and was immediately approached by a border control officer who told me I was going to have to go check in at customs...after my visit to Canada. 
So I made my way over to the customs/gas station and pulled up to the window. 

Me: Um, I accidentally drove into Canada and the border patrol told me to come check in here. 

Him: What was your reason for visiting Canada?

Me: I was looking for parking at the library. 

Him: How long was your visit?

Me: About thirty seconds. 

Him: May I see your passport?

Me: I do not have my passport. 

Him: What is your business in the area?

Me: I was dropping my FPIC off at work and wanted to see the library. 

At which point the officer decided that there was no point in further questioning, issued me a citation for traveling to Canada without a passport and let me go. All I can say is that I better not move to the border between the US and Mexico. I can just see me excuse me officer...I just accidentally went to Mexico...

I never did get to see the library...

I do believe this is a promising start to the shenanigans of  life (however temporary) in Vermont  
 Stay tuned. 


One of the more obvious Canadian/american divides...more official then where I was driving around. lol 
Photo Credit: Memphipogo's Blog